14 eerie stories to keep you up at night
these might send chills down your spine
Published 6 years ago in Creepy
these might send chills down your spine
Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon took this selfie while on a hike in Panama from which they never returned. The two Dutch tourists were visiting Panama and were supposed to go on a hike in the jungle with a tour guide, but for some reason, the girls decided to go by themselves a day early. They never returned from the hike. A backpack containing their clothes, a passport, their cell phones, and a camera was recovered several weeks after they disappeared. The camera contained 90 disturbing shots taken in the middle of the night, most of them were just black, but among the photos there was one of the girls’ belongings spread out on a rock, a strange piece of fabric or paper hung from a tree, and a photo of one of the back of one of the girls’ head with what appeared to be blood. Even more disturbing, the girls’ cell phones showed that they tried to call emergency services for 11 days before their cell phones ran out of batteries. Some of their bones were eventually discovered in the jungle, but nobody knows what happened to the girls or how they died.2
Journalist Kim Wall boards the submarine of Peter Madsen. Madsen would later kill and dismember Wall on board the submarine. Wall was writing a story about the submarine Madsen had built. During a journey together, Madsen murdered Wall, dismembered her, and sank her body parts at sea before being rescued from his sinking sub, which authorities believe he purposely sank.3
Two friends posted this selfie on Facebook. Later that night the girl on the left strangled her friend with the belt she is wearing in the photo. Cheyenne Antoine claims she has no memory of strangling her friend Brittney Gargol after a night of heavy drinking. However, Gargol’s body was found next to the belt Antoine is wearing in this photo. Antoine pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to seven years in prison.5
Buddy Holly, J.P. Richardson, and Ritchie Valens pose for a photo before boarding a plane that would crash into a field in Iowa. The musicians were traveling together for a tour and chartered the plane to get from Clear Lake, Iowa to Moorhead, Minnesota. The plane hit bad weather and went down, killing the three musicians and the pilot, Roger Peterson. The event became known as “The Day the Music Died.”6
Cherise Perrywinkle, 8, is led out of a Walmart by her murderer. Cherise Perrywinkle was shopping with her family in a Dollar General when a man, Donald James Smith, approached them and offered to buy them clothes. The family went with him to Walmart, where he then offered to take Cherise to a McDonalds to get a hamburger but instead abducted and murdered her. Her body was recovered shortly after.7
A stowaway falls from the wheel well of a plane in this photograph from the 1970s. A 14-year-old Australian boy named Keith Sapsforth tried to stowaway in a flight bound for Japan. He fell from the plane shortly after takeoff. Stowaways are rare but do happen occasionally. In 2010 a 16-year-old boy tried to stowaway in the wheel well of a plane headed from Charlotte to Boston and was ejected over Massachusetts. Stowing away in a wheel well is incredibly dangerous. Not only are you not safely secured to a plane that can go over 500 miles per hour, a plane’s wheel well is not pressurized and can reach temperatures of -50 degrees F. However, people have made the journey and gotten off the plane alive. In 2014 a 15-year-old boy flew from California to Hawaii, a 5 and a half hour flight, in the wheel well of the plane and survived.9
Sydney Loofe posted this image to social media before being strangled on a Tinder date. The man who killed her, Aubrey Trail, falsely claimed the death was “an accident that happened during a five-way sexual encounter gone wrong,” though there is no evidence that suggests this was anything other than murder.13
Snowboarder Marco Siffredi beginning his descent down Everest on a snowboard. He was never seen again. In 2001 Marco Siffredi was the first person to snowboard down Everest. Siffredi’s plan was to snowboard down via the Hornbein Couloir, however when he reached the top of Everest he found that there was not enough snow to take the Hornbein Couloir route so instead me made the descent via the Norton Couloir. He survived. But Siffredi still wanted to make the descent down the Hornbein Couloir so he tried again the next year, this time in the fall when there would be more snow. Siffredi and the Sherpas he climbed with made it to the summit, but Siffredi was exhausted and possibly confused due to lack of oxygen. He took off on his board down the Hornbein Couloir, but that was the last anyone saw of him. His body was never recovered.14
Final photograph of Jolee Callan before her ex-boyfriend shot and killed her and then pushed her off a cliff. Eighteen year old Jolee Callan went for a hike with her exboyfriend in the mountains of Alabama. Her boyfriend shot and killed her then threw her body over a cliff, after posting several photos of her on Instagram including this one. He turned himself in the same day, and insisted that the two had a suicide pact that he was unable to complete after killing Jolee. Her family disagrees. He was sentenced to 52 years in prison.